• Behind the Scenes

    Life Changes and Promotions

    I went back and forth about whether to share this, but finally decided that sharing my experience might make the difference for someone else. So while I don’t normally mix my personal life with our business persona, here’s why you don’t see me in the nursery as much any more……

  • Garden Tips - How To

    Creating an Oasis…

    …by adding water into your pollinator garden. Pollinators require food, water, and shelter, just like us! An environment with a water oasis provides them with opportunities to drink, cool themselves, and reproduce. While some people may have access to natural ponds or creeks, most residents don’t. Therefore, creating a water…

  • Garden Tips - How To - Perennials

    How to create a butterfly garden …

    …and why you should. A butterfly garden is the perfect way to create an environmentally friendly habitat in your very own outdoor space. While pollinators (like butterflies, hummingbirds and bees) are indeed beautiful to look at, they are also a key factor in sustaining ecological agriculture. Unfortunately, many pollinator species…

  • Secret Garden Events

    Butterfly Fest 2023

    Every summer, hundreds of Gulf Fritillary butterflies migrate to The Secret Garden for our passion vine and lay their eggs. We feel so lucky to experience their annual visit and we want to share the magic with all of you! Join us in the nursery as we honor these mesmerizing…