Plant Care
Garden Tips - Houseplants - Tip Tuesdays with Jasmine

Winter Houseplant Care

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

As we head into the cold winter months, it’s important to modify how we care for our houseplants. Here at The Secret Garden, we focus on three simple adjustments by adjusting our watering schedules, finding ways to provide plants with more light, and protecting them from harsh drafts of air. For outdoor plants that cannot handle frost, either cover with our frost cloth or bring indoors to protect from the dropping temperatures. If bringing indoors, always check for pests and treat accordingly; check out this blog post for more on safe pest management. Our plants need our love and attention during these colder, darker months. Ultimately, water, light, air, and even the occasional hug 🙂 will impact your plants health and determine their survival through this season.

Adjust For Less Light

Shorter days mean less sunlight. Therefore, there are changes that need to be made in order to ensure your plants are getting the adequate amount of light they need. First and foremost, since foliage is where sunlight is photosynthesized and transformed into food, make sure to keep the leaves clean to ensure they can soak up as much light as possible. For smaller plants that can handle direct sun, we’d advise moving those as close to a bright window as you can. If that’s not possible, we recommend purchasing and installing synthetic light. Grow lights are an affordable and convenient way to add more light in your home. Always be mindful of how close you place the foliage to the bulb, as they too will also burn leaves if there’s too much heat.

Water Less Often

Less light means there is less water being used for photosynthesis. The water ends up saturating the soil for longer lengths than it usually does during warmer months. We recommend maintaining a schedule that emphasizes checking your plants’ water level before watering. After all, each plants’ requirements are different; meaning they may not need water even though they’re scheduled to receive it. When in doubt, water infrequently to prevent root rot.

To check your plants water levels, feel free to dip your finger straight into the dirt or utilize moisture meters to evaluate how much water remains. Moisture meters don’t need to be high tech and our team uses wooden kabob skewers at the nursery. Just stick the wooden bamboo stick directly into the pot, to the base of the plant. After holding it there for 20-30 seconds, pull it out – if it comes out completely clean and dry, then it’s time to water. Skip the fertilizer during this time of year and wait to apply until spring.

Avoid Cold Drafts and Hot Air

As we use our heaters, air becomes hot, dry, and less humid. Make sure to watch out for drafts that are directly hitting plants. Cold or hot direct air will damage the leaves and health of the plant. To increase humidity where you can, cluster plants together, place them on pebble trays filled with water, and/or purchase a humidifier. The approach doesn’t necessarily matter, as long as your plants are maintained and protected.


Adjusting your Winter Houseplant Care is the best way to give your plants what they need to survive the colder, darker season. In summary, whether it’s increasing their light levels by moving them closer to windows or grow lights, watering less often, or avoiding harsh air coming from windows and vents, these small shifts will strengthen their wellbeing during this time. Also please note that it’s a good rule of thumb to avoid fertilizing as a plant enters winter dormancy. (Check out our blog post for more information on applying fertilizers.) It’s also a good idea to wait until the spring to repot any plants to avoid transplant shock. If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us directly – our team here at the nursery is always happy to help!

Special thanks to Courtney Giles for her work on this post.

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